vasárnap, szeptember 8, 2024
Home Politics A NATO-tagságról tárgyalás céljából Orbán Viktor meghívta a svéd miniszterelnököt Budapestre.

A NATO-tagságról tárgyalás céljából Orbán Viktor meghívta a svéd miniszterelnököt Budapestre.

by napklub
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Orbán Viktor, the Hungarian Prime Minister, has invited the Swedish Prime Minister to Hungary to discuss Sweden’s accession to NATO. This announcement comes as there are increasing signs that Sweden may convince Hungary and Turkey, the last two remaining dissenting members of the military alliance, to support its membership. Sweden, like Finland, submitted its application for accession twenty months ago after abandoning its centuries-old neutrality due to Russia’s war against Ukraine. The Swedish Prime Minister’s office has not yet responded to Orbán Viktor’s invitation. On Monday, Turkey signaled its readiness to approve Sweden’s accession. A senior official confirmed that Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s party, which is in a majority in parliament with its nationalist ally, will request parliamentary approval for the ratification of Sweden’s application. Turkey’s decision has put Hungary under pressure, as it has repeatedly promised not to be the last to approve Sweden’s accession. The Orbán government has previously objected to Sweden’s criticism of the state of democracy in Hungary, while Turkey demanded a stronger stance from Sweden against the opposition to the Erdoğan government in Sweden, and linked the approval of accession to the purchase of US F-16 fighter jets.

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